Stuck for Words?

OK, as a Toastmaster I am always being asked for tips on 'After Dinner Speeches' and this turns out to be one of the most appreciated things I do, most especially at and for wedding speeches. If you book me for your wedding then you get all this and a lot more in the 'Package'. If you don't want to book me or for some reason I am unavailable but you want some extra help with your speech then you just have to ask!...for a very small outlay I can send sample speeches for you to play around with and will even tailor a speech for you! For more information simply send me an Email.


There are two points in the day at which a chap Might just feel a tear in his eye. One is during the "I do"s & "I Will"s and the other will almost certainly be during his Wedding speech

Now for some strange reason It always seems to be the Bestman who has the greatest fear. this is due most likely to the pressure to entertain an audience while performing friendly assassination of the Bridegrooms character (not such an easy task). It seems to me though, it's the poor old Bridegroom who has the difficult task... The Bridegrooms speech appears to be a simple list of various 'thank-you's - Thank father in Law, Thank everyone for their gifts, thank the Bridesmaids etc, etc. The big pitfall is the lovey-dovey bit in the middle!  Most chaps fall foul of their own machismo at the prospect of revealing what must surely be obvious to everybody... that he thinks she looks absolutely stunning today (and everyday!) and that he loves her to bits! This of course is the bit that is so hard to say publicly and loudly and will be the point at which much water flows... from the eyes!

And if you're a Father of the Bride don't think you get off scot free, this is a big day for you too. You will be giving away your lovely princess, there is a good chance you too will have a tear in the eye!

So here are some general tips and traditions to get you along;

  1. Keep it brief... 5 minutes is a long time for a wedding speech!

  2. Watch what the others might be saying... who else might be thanking everyone for coming???

  3. Write it down Word for Word and Read it out Word for Word! if you want it to 'Come from the Heart' then just practice reading it, like everything else in this world you get out what you put in!

  4. Props! Usually reserved  for the Bestman's speech a well applied prop can boost a speech no end... photo's, powerpoint presentations and even involving other people fall into this category.

First up usually is Father of the Bride. By tradition Dad thanks all the guests for coming to celebrate the wedding, He can say a few words about his lovely daughter, welcome the 'new boy' in to the family and then 'Toast' the Bride and Bridegroom... It can be that simple! you can pad it out as you feel fit and put the odd funny story in too. The important thing is to raise that glass to the happy couple at the end of the speech!

Bridegroom speech

The Bridegrooms speech really is simple... It's a glorified Thank-You list! Simple - yes. Easy -  maybe!

Thank Dad for his few kind words, thank everyone for coming and thanks also for the lovely gifts etc. Thank your lovely bride for looking so beautiful and (lump in throat...) declare your undying love for her! now it really does get easy -Thank Mums and parents (make any presentations here too!), Thank Bridesmaids, Thank Ushers and/or Groomsmen and Thank the Bestman and then raise a glass to them all in a toast. Again this can be padded out a bit to suit but bear in mind this particular speech can be 15 minutes, not through the content but because of the presentations.

Happy Top Table

Now, the moment everyone has been waiting for... The Bestman's Speech!  Now traditionally there are a number of things the Bestman should be tending to in this speech. However, nowadays it seems traditional Bestman speeches are no longer en vogue and I would say you can pretty much ignore these traditions and cut to the chase- dish the dirt and if you don't know any then make it up! BUT don't go over the top! Be subtle and not too embarrassing. merely hint at the things that may or may not have gone on in a former life, do not give blow by blow accounts. Props of any description are nearly always a great way of improving a speech, pictures in envelopes on the table not to be opened until instructed for instance, or even better a laptop with a pre-prepared presentation! the list could go on forever.

One tradition you do need to beware of, despite the fact it happens less often now, is what to read out in the way of cards. It's the Bestman's job to read out cards from those who couldn't attend and to acknowledge them. so therefore if there's only one or two you can read them all out no problem, but what if there's more? easy, read the first one in full (or the best one) then just mention the others by name and give them to the couple to read later. If you're not aware of this little get-out clause you could end up undermining the rest of your speech. Also worth knowing, there is no reason to read out cards from people who are in attendance (unless the B&BG specifically want it!).

If you feel the need and/or want more help, Here I am!