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Text Box: freephone   0808 100 2526




Shades Disco's

Shaun Easton. 01732 363675

A whole Multi-media experience!


Road shows & Disco's!

Bill Punyer,

(020) 8851 4417,  email;

String Quartets & Bands


Elizabeth Sharp 01622 763503

These guys are great fun and have a huge repertoire, from Mozart to Black Sabbath!

The Ballamore Strings 020 8244 7951

 Katie Duff (String Quartet);(020) 485 7280, 07899 796 404m

Emma D'Cruz, Flautist ; (020) 8302 5918 .

Champagne Flutes; Sally Kirkup (020) 8462 2533.

Ellen Smith, Harpist and Soprano;  01634 721 063. m07715 172 985.

Fiona Hosford, Harpist; 01323 442 935

Louise Duggan, Harpist;020 8297 2515, 07956 614 007.

Joey Clarke's Blue Ice 01273 592 032, (Modern dance band from Brighton)


Text Box: Famous in the 70's with 'Son of my Father' which is enjoying a new lease of life with the Walkers Crisps Ads!
Contact Rick Foster
01622 765 779

Southern Rag-a-Jazz, 020 8291 4513,  01483 283 3477

Ian Shawcross Jazzband, 01304 374 755

Tim Mallet, Solo Keyboards, 01737 240 313

Rich Sutton, Solo Sax (tenor) 020 8240 1916

Pauline Watkin, Solo Vocalist, 01689 877 064